Cady Aquastore, Inc. is the premier authorized dealer for CST Industries in DeKalb, IL.
The Cady group has been building glass-fused-to-steel tanks since 1954. The Aquastore® liquid storage tank can be designed for virtually every segment of the Municipal and Industrial water market.
Aquastore tanks feature low life-cycle cost. They are versatile and cost-effective for waste water treatment storage and are designed to meet national standards. Applications range from E.Q. tanks, aeration tanks, anaerobic digestion tanks, clarifier tanks, trickle filters, and sludge storage/mixing tanks. Aquastore Tanks are also suitable for total system applications as package treatment plants from small to large volume treatment.
Aquastore tanks feature an inert glass-fused-to-steel coating that never needs recoating and will last the service life of the tank. With maintenance requirements and down times at a minimum, the long term cost savings of an Aquastore water storage tank are unparalleled in the industry.

Waterloo Holding/Settling Sludge Tank

Surrounded by rich farmland east of the Mississippi River, the City of Waterloo is located within 30 minutes of downtown St. Louis. The city built a new 2.086 MGD (organic design loading rate of 4588 lbs of BOD) waste water treatment plant on the… [READ MORE]
LaSalle Tank

The City of LaSalle, Illinois received complaints of a black greasy mineral showing up in their drinking water. Especially noticeable were the black spots in home owner’s… [READ MORE]
Elburn Tanks

Two Aquastores structures were installed to house a WRT unit (WRT contact is Steve Anderson, Project engineer 303 424 5355) that removes radium at… [READ MORE]
Joliet Sludge Tank

Two (2) 126×26 Aquastore tanks used on a 10 MGD waste water plant. These tanks will allow for… [READ MORE]
Bridgeton Landfill

Bridgeton Landfill is a large, closed landfill near St Louis, Mo close to the Missouri river where leachate was permitted to be discharged to… [READ MORE]
West Frankfort Potable Water Tank

A 53’diameter by 61’ tall Aquastore 1M gallons structure was installed in 2006 for the City of West Frankfort, Illinois. The town had experienced… [READ MORE]
Geneva Water Treatment Plant

The City of Geneva, in response to impending regulatory requirements and mounting public concern for high quality drinking water, decided to… [READ MORE]
Cady Aquastore Association Membership
AWWA – American Water Works Association
ILAWWA – Illinois American Water Works Association
MOAWWA – Missouri American Water Works Association
WIAWWA – Wisconsin American Water Works Association
IRWA – Illinois Rural Water Association
MRWA – Missouri Rural Water Association
WRWA – Wisconsin Rural Water Association
MWFPA – Midwest Food Processors Association
WCMA – Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association
WWOA – Wisconsin Water Operators Association