Aquastore Dealers Contribute to the Cortland Illinois Veterans Memorial Park

The Aquastore Dealer group including Cady Aquastore, Statewide Aquastore, Florida Aquastore, Texas Aquastore, and Mid-Atlantic Storage Systems all contributed a donation to help the Cortland Veterans Memorial project continue with their great work. [READ MORE HERE]
Earn Continuing Education Credits with CST Storage Today!
CST Storage is sponsoring the Architectural Record’s Continuing Education Center. Learn about glass-fused-to-steel technology and take a short quiz to earn 1 HSW or PDH* credit. [REVIEW MATERIAL AND TAKE THE QUIZ HERE]
*This course may qualify for Professional Development Hours (PDH): Submit certificate of completion for PDH credit to your state licensing board. Check your state licensing board for all laws, rules, regulations and continuing education requirements.
Thinking Outside The Circle

Cady Aquastore Inc., in Sycamore, is the Midwest dealer for Composite Elevated Aquastore Tanks (CET), which are manufactured by Engineered Storage Products Company of DeKalb. A CET is built on top of a concrete tower as shown in the photograph, and is used for municipal water storage. If you’ve ever looked closely at… [READ MORE]
Waterloo Holding/Settling Sludge Tank

Surrounded by rich farmland east of the Mississippi River, the City of Waterloo is located within 30 minutes of downtown St. Louis. The city built a new 2.086 MGD (organic design loading rate of 4588 lbs of BOD) waste water treatment plant on the… [READ MORE]
LaSalle Tank

The City of LaSalle, Illinois received complaints of a black greasy mineral showing up in their drinking water. Especially noticeable were the black spots in home owner’s… [READ MORE]
Elburn Tanks

Two Aquastores structures were installed to house a WRT unit (WRT contact is Steve Anderson, Project engineer 303 424 5355) that removes radium at… [READ MORE]
Joliet Sludge Tank

Two (2) 126×26 Aquastore tanks used on a 10 MGD waste water plant. These tanks will allow for… [READ MORE]
Bridgeton Landfill

Bridgeton Landfill is a large, closed landfill near St Louis, Mo close to the Missouri river where leachate was permitted to be discharged to… [READ MORE]
West Frankfort Potable Water Tank

A 53’diameter by 61’ tall Aquastore 1M gallons structure was installed in 2006 for the City of West Frankfort, Illinois. The town had experienced… [READ MORE]
Geneva Water Treatment Plant

The City of Geneva, in response to impending regulatory requirements and mounting public concern for high quality drinking water, decided to… [READ MORE]